Overcomer, are you?


Revelation 2:7 – He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

There’s an old saying which says, “The good is ever the enemy of the best.” There’s no where that this is truer than in the kingdom of God; in the lives of Christians and in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Think about it, it’s one of Satan’s oldest schemes.

The scripture tells us that we are not unaware of his schemes. Wherever God is at work, be certain that Satan is not far behind. The scripture tells us that he is our enemy who like a roaring lion is seeking whom he may devour.

Any cursory study of the New Testament will show that Satan employs many tactics as he tries to thwart the work of God. Whenever he can he tries to introduce false doctrine into the church. Where this does not work he introduces schisms and division, knowing that a house divided against itself cannot stand. With a nasty tool chest full of things like gossip, jealously, suspicion and pride, he causes God’s people to take their eyes off of Jesus and His commandments and causes them instead to focus on earthly things which have no eternal value. When God’s people refuse to allow sin in their midst Satan often brings persecution and difficulties against the church, all in an effort to discourage and dishearten God’s people.

When these tactics are not completely successful there is another tool he uses to stop the forward progress of a particular church or congregation. It is perhaps the most insidious tool, because it is masked behind the façade of success. When he cannot deceive us, divide us or daunt us what he will often do is divert us. The fervor we once had for Jesus is replaced with an acceptance of things as they are. Satan wants us to become so satisfied with where we are, with what we are doing and with what we have accomplished, that instead of maintaining a red hot passion for Christ and for His kingdom, we would lose our zeal for Christ and His kingdom; replacing a once consuming internal passion with a complacency that is content with the religious status quo

Of all the endeavors of humanity there is only one which carries an absolute promise of God’s unending blessing: The expansion of the Kingdom of God. When we share our faith and make disciples for Christ, He has promised to bless our efforts, to multiply them and to give us success
