Psalm 84:4—“Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be still praising thee.”
Today’s scripture for meditation has a simple theme: the psalmist identifies a people for whom God has reserved special blessings. What are blessings? Blessings are renewed mercies and grace. Also, Believers find it good to draw near to God, as He always pours out his Spirit on his sincere worshippers.
To whom does God bestow this goodness?
God blesses them “that dwell in thy house” i.e, those who were there continually, who constantly abide in, or frequently resort to God’s house. This reference is intended to the house of God, in His tabernacles and courts:
– to the priests and Levites, who frequently officiated there in turns- night and day or to such devout Jews
– to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and Gibeon, where the ark and tabernacle were, who had frequent opportunities of attendance on divine worship
– to those who had a name and place in the church of God (role), who abided there and never went out.
In today’s context, it would include pastors and all those who do ministry, in the church premises or outside. They are constantly employed in that blessed and glorious work, of praising and serving God, in the place which God appointed them. ‘Thy house’ refers to before the throne, in God’s presence. Even praise and worship in daily work or ministry comes under this blanket.
“Blessed are, not the mighty and opulent of the earth, but they that dwell in God’s house, the ministers of the eternal temple in heaven, the angels and the spirits of just men made perfect; their every passion is resolved into love, every duty into praise; hallelujah succeeds hallelujah; they are still, for ever, praising thee. And blessed, next to them, are those ministers and members of the church here below, who, in disposition, as well as employment, do most resemble them.” — Horne.
Those who are near the very altar of God (in His presence) are very happy to be so near to God, to dwell peaceably there. This happiness also occurs to those who are on the way to the place of public worship: their joy, their progress in strength of purpose as they approach the place; and their happiness to appear before God. For the psalmist enjoyment of God’s presence is tied to the worship of the visible sanctuary. However, the deeper meaning or true object of longing is God. The psalmist clearly expresses the proper use of the sanctuary; and thus separates himself from hypocrites, who zealously observe only outward ceremonies but are deprived of genuine godliness in their hearts. David testifies that true worshippers of God offer sacrifices of praise, which can never be dissociated from faith. Never will a man praise God from his heart, unless he relies on God’s grace. On the contrary, this psalm may also serve as a warning against premature attempts to remove all outward aids to inward communion.
Why do people love to stay in God’s presence? The fact is that, as a partaker of spiritual peace and joy, anyone in God’s presence will continue to praise Him; one cannot but help do this once in His presence. Believers will ‘be still’ in all other things only to surrender their body and mind to praise God. It is a delightful employment, which is pleasant where one finds peace and joy. God restores mercies upon those who praise, every day, especially on Lord’s days, or at the stated times of public worship. Therefore, people will bless and praise the Lord for all His temporal and spiritual blessings as long as they live.