God’s Chosen One


1 Peter 2:9 (NKJV) – You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him.

Isn’t it often that we question who we are, and the reason for our existence in this world, especially when we are going through trials and tribulations? We spend so much time looking for the purpose and reason for our existence. Do not doubt your purpose on this earth.

When you feel lonely and it seems like no one understands you, remember the above Bible verse in which Peter describes us as what God feels about us – you are His child.

Remove the thoughts from your mind which remind you of things like: you are unimportant and that you are alone. Remember this, you are Chosen by God. He knows you by your name and He is with you in trials and tribulations that you go through because you are special to Him. We, believers, are picked by Him and called out to be different from the rest of the world.

God has a plan for your life. As His child, He has given you a purpose for your life: to be His ambassador to the people on earth, to spread the gospel of the good news to them, to pray with them, and to intercede on their behalf just like the priests in the Old Testament. As believers we have direct access to God; God loves to listen to His children, also guides our steps, and talks to us.

God has reserved a place for you in Heaven, with all His other children, His chosen generation to live an eternal life with Him and to sing praises to Him and worship His Goodness and Mercy.


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