Praise the Creator


Psalm 96:11 NKJV

“Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad; let the sea roar, and all its fullness.”

Psalm 96 is a call for the people of God to worship Him in the splendor of His holiness. In fact, the entire Psalm was used as a means to worship in the Temple of God. When we truly perceive the greatness of God and the depth of His love for us, we can’t help but exalt Him and praise His Holy Name.

The Psalmist says that all creation – the heavens, the earth, the sea, and the fields – praises the Creator. It’s a declaration of God’s glory and His greatness among all that He has created. Since we humans are the pinnacle of God’s creation – we should be leading the universal chorus of praise.

Today, let’s acknowledge that God handcrafted us for a purpose. We are fearfully and wonderfully made in His image. You are beautiful and unique – there’s no one else in the world quite like you. God has blessed you with special talents and abilities to accomplish His purpose in your life. So, take a moment to praise your Creator today and seek His guidance over your life.

Prayer: Lord, I’m blessed to know You as my Master, Creator, Savior, Father, and Friend. Thank You for creating me uniquely for a purpose. Have Your way in my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



  1. Pankaja
    29 Apr 2024 06:53:55 Reply

    Amen and Amen , pls pray for my son punith’s job exalency & Life partner

    • Bethel Team
      29 Apr 2024 09:26:41 Reply

      Lord, we pray for Punith’s job – that You will give him the wisdom to excel in his work and give You the glory. We pray that You will arrange a suitable life partner for him and perfect Your will in his life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

  2. Ruby willam Dhaser
    29 Apr 2024 09:27:01 Reply

    yes father have your way in life please help me and husband guide us help us thanks for all your help thanks and praises be to lord our God Jesus 🙏

  3. Bhavani Prabhagaran
    29 Apr 2024 13:15:52 Reply

    Yes Lord please for my sons new business going to be start and my daughter’s life partner.

  4. Preethi
    29 Apr 2024 14:20:31 Reply

    Amen. We praise you God for we all are fearfully and wonderfully made.

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