Justified and Secure in Christ


Romans 5:9 NKJV

Much more then, having now been justified by His Blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.

In Romans 5, Paul explains the intention of Christ’s sacrifice, which is God’s love. Christ did not die for us when we were righteous but when we were still sinners and strangers to Him. His blood and love justify us today. We can boldly call Him Abba Father. His blood ensures salvation for believers.

The phrase justified by His blood means being declared righteous by God. He sought us and bought us with His redeeming blood. Therefore, we stand forgiven of our sins and made right with God.

We cannot earn justification by our merit; it’s a gift of love. Hence, we are confident that we are saved from God’s wrath (His righteous judgement against sin), as we have the blessed assurance of His salvation. If Christ’s death has justified us, life through Him will surely secure us for eternity.

Therefore, Romans 5:9 teaches us that our justification is not only about being forgiven in the present but also about being assured of future salvation. Through Christ, we are saved from both the power of sin and the penalty of sin, which is God’s judgment. We can be sure that the sacrifice of Jesus is complete and sufficient – to protect us from the wrath of God and to secure our eternal relationship with Him. Praise the Lord!

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