A clean slate


Isaiah 44:22:  I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and, as a cloud, thy sins: return unto me; for I have redeemed thee.

God was speaking to the children of Israel that He had wiped away their transgressions and their sins.  He was calling them to return back to Him because He had redeemed them.  When clouds fill the skies, the whole atmosphere becomes gloomy.  They sometimes threaten to pour out heavy rain too.  They prevent the sun from shining forth.  It definitely is not a happy thing of interest watching a gloomy sky, but when the clouds get wiped away, the sun shines again in all its brilliance and gives us all the warmth that we need.

When God wipes away or blots out our transgressions and sins, our life will never be the same again.  He wipes out every sin of our mouth,  sin of our hands, sin of our minds.  He literally wipes them all out, and we are made righteous like as if there was nothing wrong at all!  God wants us to return back to Him since we are redeemed by His precious blood.  We are made for His glory, and it hurts Him when we sin, but God in His mercy has spared us without punishing us as we rightly deserve.

He has bought us with His own blood and made us His royal priesthood and a holy nation.  When He blots out every transgression and sin from our life, we are left with no more stains of the sin.  Instead our lives are transformed from the inside out and we will begin to see God’s glory.



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