Apart from Him


John‬ ‭15‬:‭5‬ – “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”

Can you imagine a life without Jesus? Those of us who know Him and have tasted His love, cannot even think of living a day without Him by our side. And yet, there are times when we forget He is there with us. It’s easy for a branch to forget that it’s still part of a tree. But the branch exists only because of the nutrients that the tree trunk brings to it.

Is there a situation in your life that you’re trying to handle on your own? In today’s verse, Jesus very clearly states that apart from Him we can do nothing. Obviously we can try to do things on our own, but they will not be half as effective as what we do with God’s help. Our knowledge, strength and determination can only take us so far in life. If we want to truly experience the depths of God’s promises, we need to surrender ourselves to Him, and allow Him to dictate our lives.

As long as we abide in God, and allow His Spirit to dwell in us, we will be fruitful. We will bear fruit, not just in God’s kingdom, but in our personal lives as well. Which area of your life do you want to be fruitful in? Is it your career, relationships, finances, health, spiritual life or ministry? Consciously abide in God’s will, and allow His Spirit to guide you. Then you will bear fruit – not just little fruit, but much fruit for His glory!
