Approved by God


2 Timothy 2:15 – “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

Just about every product that’s made has to be tested before it’s put to regular use. Whether it is a chair, a car or an app, all products must go through several levels of testing before they are deemed ready to leave the production line. The testing process isn’t easy – the product has to go through worst case scenarios. Only when it’s able withstand all the pressure is it certified and approved by the quality control team.

If you’re wondering why you’re going through so much pressure in your life, perhaps it’s because you are also being perfected and approved by God. Paul urged Timothy to be a diligent worker, who knows how to handle the truth. The Bible, God’s Word, is the truth. It’s stood the test of time, and proved to be powerful. When you allow the Holy Spirit to teach you from the Word and help you apply it in your life, you will be well equipped to handle anything that comes your way.

Prayer: Lord, I’m grateful that Your Word is the truth I can always depend on. Help me be a diligent and faithful worker, approved by You. In Jesus’s Name, Amen.


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