Arise and build


Nehemiah 2:20:  Then answered I them, and said unto them, the God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we his servants will arise and build: but ye have no portion, nor right, nor memorial, in Jerusalem.

Nehemiah returned to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.  He gathered a few men and was all set to rebuild the city of God.  He was severely opposed by some enemies, but that did not drown his courage and confidence in the God of heaven.  He knew that God would prosper him and he was quite confident that with God on his side, he would do what he wanted to do.

This year is the year of the Lord’s favour upon His children.  Maybe we are in a situation where it is impossible to come out of.  It could also be that we are stuck in shame and reproach and in brokenness.  The Lord wants us to arise and build what has been broken.  Just arise from your present state of affairs because God is on your side.  His favour will rest upon you.  Arise from your insecure feeling and start to trust more in God.  Rise up from your defeat and hopelessness and allow God to build your life centered around Him.

Obey God for you to enter into His promises for you.  Trust in Him.  Look unto Jesus and run your race of faith.  Even if you don’t find an answer to your prayer, trust Him.  Arise from your fear and doubt and build your life around Christ.  May God’s favour rest upon you.
