Be of Good Cheer!


These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33


As the Lord Jesus Christ knew that His time in the world was nearing to an end, He had a tough and emotional conversation with His disciples.

The same person who taught, healed, comforted, and lived with them was going to subject himself to torture, shame, and death. Adding to this, as we see in the earlier verses of John 16, the Lord Jesus warns that they may be killed and shunned by society.

The message to them was that everything is going to go wrong from now on.

We all have those days. months, years, and even decades in our lives when we feel that everything is going wrong for us. Most of us may be at a point where we have given up hope.

We may be going through pain of different kinds. It may be losing a loved one, sickness, financial crisis, failure, depression. But, remember, In the Lord Jesus Christ, We have Hope.

When your eyes do not get sleep,

When you lie there with battling minds,

When the body aches,

Remember His Promise,

In Him, we will have peace

He reminds us,” Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”



  1. Ramakrishna
    16 Sep 2020 09:34:13 Reply

    Praise the Lord. Jesus gives the peace which is incomparable. He died for you and me to give eternal life. He’s resurrected King. Is coming soon, let our hearts be prepared to receive Him as our only God. His marvelous mighty miracles no one can do it, other than Jesus. This is need of the hour to repent turn back to His bosom. He’s more merciful than a mother. He’s good, good, good let’s all trust and cling on to Jesus alone. He’s same yesterday, today and forever.
    Thank you Jesus for your LOVE that which is everlasting.we give all glory and honour in Jesus name we pray. Amen

  2. Nisha R L
    17 Sep 2020 06:28:08 Reply

    Praise the Lord…
    This Scripture is a blessing to me today morning. Yesterday I felt so sick, disturbed and no peace. I was hopeless. Since 2 days same situation. But Morning itself is a blessings. The words ‘ Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world’ . It gives hopes and strength.

    • Bethel Team
      17 Sep 2020 11:54:11 Reply

      Dear Nisha,

      It is great to know that the word brought you comfort .You are in our prayers.

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