Be at Peace ,God is in Control


Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth! Psalm 46:10

We may have opened our eyes and ears to disheartening news today. We hear of the number of people who are infected and have lost their lives due to the worldwide pandemic. Many are experiencing financial crisis, depression, and hopelessness. The once-bustling malls, parks, and thriving businesses cease to be busy. The busy world was stopped in its tracks by a microorganism.

In this crisis, we have many questions for God. But there is a phrase that leaps out of this verse ‘know that I am God’. God tells us ‘you need to understand Me’ and know ‘who I am’

The only Hope during this crisis is the fact that a God who is Great, Mighty and Powerful is on Our Side.

Today, are you sick?  ‘Be still and know that the Lord Jesus is your Healer’.

Are you depressed?   ‘Be still and know that the Lord Jesus is your Peace’.

Do you think you are a failure?  ‘Be still know that the Lord Jesus is your Victory banner’.

Are you in a financial crisis? ‘Be still and know that the Lord Jesus is your Provider’.

 You may have a different situation that no one understands. ‘Be still and know that the Lord Jesus is in Control’.

So, let us live our lives daily with the knowledge of this Great, Mighty, and Powerful God. Let us understand Him more and put our trust in Him. Then, we will surely move from sickness to Health, sorrow to Joy, failure to Success.



  1. Evandanora Dkhar
    04 Jul 2020 10:03:55 Reply

    I am going through a very difficult time. I am pregnant and yesterday was my anomaly scan but unfortunately there is a problem not with the anomaly scan but there is a calcium deposit in the heart of my baby which maybe a suggestion for a chromosomal defect. Please pray that the Lord who formed my baby will heal whatever problem I am going through and we will have a normal healthy baby.

    • Bethel Team
      04 Jul 2020 10:30:08 Reply

      Dear Evandanora,

      Our God is a Healer.Let us keep our trust in Him.

  2. Sunita
    04 Jul 2020 10:13:35 Reply

    Pastor, please pray for my daughter’s life (23 now) to be established – her career and marriage.

    • Bethel Team
      04 Jul 2020 10:31:21 Reply

      Dear sis Sunita,
      May the Lord bless your daughter with a blessed future.

  3. Daniel
    04 Jul 2020 10:58:10 Reply

    Don’t u worry sister our Father is the greater Doctor. There is no such sicknesses which He cannot heal Ur baby will born with Good luck health hale and healthy because we the thing children of a victorious GodA mighty Warrior A living God . Amen 🙏. No matter what do not loose hope. Our God is an awesome God.

  4. Gladys Joshi
    04 Jul 2020 11:42:14 Reply

    Pl. Pray for my family.
    My sons Kiran and Kapil to come closer to the Lord. Surrender their lives to the Almighty Lord and walk in His mighty presence.
    Thank you.
    Gladys Joshi

    • Bethel Team
      04 Jul 2020 11:50:26 Reply

      Dear Sis Gladys,
      May the Lord Jesus bring your children closer to Him

  5. Suji kiruba
    04 Jul 2020 13:00:09 Reply

    I am a health care professional working in south Tamilnadu.Today morning I came to know that one of my patient whom I am treating for the past 10 -15 days have been found covid positive.plz pray for me n my family that we should be safe n healthy for God’s Glory.Though I have been in contact with the affected person I have a strong faith that God will protect me from this virus

    • Bethel Team
      04 Jul 2020 17:21:49 Reply

      Dear Suji,
      May the Lord cover you with His blood and protect you and your family. May your life be a testimony for those in fear and in need.

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