Be thankful


Ephesians 5:20: Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

God loves people who are thankful to Him in all circumstances. Being thankful to God, releases the blessings that is there in store for us.  Murmuring and complaining does not bring God’s presence to us.  Praising and thanking God releases us from oppression and bondages.

Sometimes, it is so hurtful to thank or praise God when we go through a situation that is so unexplainably terrible. Some answers don’t seem to come for the questions that so often crosses our mind.  Yet, the Bible instructs us to give thanks to God always for all things in the name of Jesus.  When Paul and Silas gave thanks to God in the prison, their chains fell off.  They never considered their affliction as an obstruction to praise God.  They sang and praised God nevertheless.  Daniel prayed to God as always in the midst of his trials and God delivered him from the lions’ den.

Praise and thanksgiving releases God’s power and His favour upon us. Go ahead and praise Him at all times.  Give thanks to God because He is worthy of it.  Don’t wait for God to do something and then praise Him.  Praise Him because He is already doing what is acceptable to Him for your life.
