Be the Best


And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men. Colossians 3:23 (KJV)

We serve a God of Perfection. He is a Perfect God, Holy, Pure and Righteous.  He is perfect in all of His ways. We as believers are called to be perfect in all things as we represent Him on earth.

In the above verse, we are reminded to give our best and do things with excellence because God is gloried through us. It could be a regular household chore or something unique or big in the workplace. Regardless of the type of work, we as children of God need to do it whole-heartedly. We must always bear in mind that we do not report to people, we report directly to God. He is our CEO. He is the only one having authority over us and we are answerable only to Him. Our work should magnify God and through our  work our God is honored and praised. So let us make a commitment today  to our loving  Father  that no matter what happens, we will always give it our very best, not because of who we are but because of who He is.


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