Betrothed to God


Hosea 2:19-20 – “And I will betroth you to me forever. I will betroth you to me in righteousness and in justice, in steadfast love and in mercy. I will betroth you to me in faithfulness. And you shall know the LORD.”

Engagement ceremonies here in India are usually a big affair, eclipsed only by the more elaborate wedding celebrations. Close family members and friends are invited to witness the betrothal of a lady to the gentleman who is to be her husband in the days to come. The man cherishes the woman as his future wife, and the lady pledges to stay true to her fiance in the months leading to the wedding.

In Hosea, God tells us that He has betrothed us to Himself forever. The book of Revelation tells us that the marriage of Christ and the church (the complete body of believers) will happen in Heaven one day. And until that day, we are engaged to God. Do we act like the Lord’s betrothed?

When we take the step to follow God, He promises us His love, mercy and faithfulness. He will stay true to that promise. But what are we pledging Him in return? We need to stay true to our Beloved and not wander away. We need to remain pure and unadulterated. We need to actively express our love for the Lord and wait in hope until we meet Him face to face. Let us make the decision today, to live lives that are proof of the fact that we are betrothed to our Saviour.



  1. Susan
    01 Aug 2014 06:00:59 Reply

    Amen! Lord help me to be faithful to the very end.

  2. Rajesh Chowdhury
    01 Aug 2014 06:22:58 Reply


  3. Hepsibah samuel
    01 Aug 2014 09:55:44 Reply

    Just like Bob fitts sings in his song ” He is truely faithful” So when Our serving God is faithful. I take a pledge to strive being faithful towards him. Thank you Lord for such a wonderful Message on the start of the month.

  4. Russel Williams
    01 Aug 2014 11:54:14 Reply

    Amen !! Thank you Lord for your faithfulness !!

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