Bless your household


1 Chronicles‬ ‭16:43 – “Then all the people departed each to his house, and David went home to bless his household.”

David was a man after God’s own heart. Despite his own shortcomings, he loved God with his entire being and craved an intimate relationship with Him. 1 Chronicles 16 recounts how David directed the people to worship before the ark, and led them in a song of thanks. At the end of the chapter, David went back home and blessed his household. David had just experienced a powerful time of praise and worship before the ark. He must have been filled with the Holy Spirit and tasted the sweetness of the presence of God. But he didn’t keep it to himself. David went back to his home and blessed others, just as he himself had been blessed by God.

When we spend time in God’s presence, we are blessed. We hear God speaking to us, revealing beautiful truths from His Word. We experience His touch and relish the closeness of His presence as we praise Him. But what do we do afterwords? God wants us to go back to our lives – our homes, our families, our offices, our friends, our educational institutions, our neighborhoods – and bless others. A kind smile, an encouraging word, a heartfelt prayer or a helping hand are just a few ways we can reach out and bless someone who may need a touch from God.

Prayer: Father, thank You for Your presence in my life. Help me be a blessing to someone else today. Show me opportunities where I can share your love with someone who is in need of a Savior. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
