Call on the Name Above ALL Names!!!


Romans 10:13

For, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

Someone said, “a name is the blueprint of our character.” Biblically, names are symbolic and can announce a whole lot about a person like their identity and personality. Abram was renamed Abraham, Jacob was called Israel to reinstate the purpose of their lives.

The name of the LORD is an embodiment of all that HE is-holiness, power and love. He told Moses His name is YHWH, the great “I AM.” In the same way, Jesus Christ means “The Anointed Savior,” And put together, we have “I AM The Anointed Savior!”

When the Lord called Himself “I AM,” He was saying that He is everything that you need-the One to lead you, the One who can give you the ultimate peace, the One who can cleanse you, your Provider, your Healer, your Shelter from the storms, your Light in the darkness, your Strength, your Comforter, your Counselor, your Teacher, your Friend, your Father!!! Above all, He loves you so much that He didn’t hesitate from leaving His throne and dying on the Cross, defeating death by the power of His resurrection, so that you can have access to Heaven!

If you choose to trust the Lord with ALL your heart and ALL your soul, irrespective of what your background is; if you call on His NAME, recognizing His Lordship over your life, HE is faithful to rescue you and transform your life into a canvas of unimaginable beauty. Beloved, take this precious opportunity today to call on the NAME of JESUS in faith and we pray that His love, peace and joy would manifest tangibly in your life!



  1. Seema bala
    05 Feb 2020 10:26:47 Reply

    Amen.. thank you Lord for your unconditional love forever. Please protect us all from bad things and evil..keep us all in your prayers

    • Bethel Team
      05 Feb 2020 11:36:30 Reply

      Dear Seema,

      We pray according to the Word of the Lord in 2 Thessalonians 3:3 that the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen you and protect you and your family from the evil one, in Jesus’ Name!

  2. Clive
    05 Feb 2020 11:59:59 Reply

    Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for everything.
    There is no one like you .Praise the Lord.
    Thank you for the inspiring message

  3. Ratna
    05 Feb 2020 19:35:31 Reply

    Thanks for the inspiring message.Thank you Lord for everything you have done for us so miraculously.There is noone like you ,God…
    Kindly continuously listen our prayers.

  4. Jessie Raichal
    05 Feb 2020 22:04:00 Reply

    Thank you for the wonderful messages. It’s the messages which is strengthened me greatly

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