Chosen for a reason


1 Peter‬ ‭2‬:‭9‬ – “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”

If you could describe yourself in just three words, what would you say? Funny, hardworking, fun-loving, happy, believer, normal, sincere…? Have you noticed the adjectives Peter uses in the verse above? Chosen, royal, holy… We’d probably never use these words to describe ourselves. Chosen out of all the millions in the world? Royal? Holy in spite of all our weaknesses?

Yes, God has chosen you. You are royalty – a child of the Most High God. And He sees you as holy through the blood of Jesus Christ. But where does that leave us? What is our responsibility in all this? Our responsibility is to live up to all that God has called us. We, as His children are called to a higher standard of holiness. We don’t find a prince committing petty crimes. He knows that his father, the king, owns treasures others can only dream of.

Our Father in Heaven owns the heavens and the earth, and everything He has is ours. We are His most precious possession. God has picked us up from a dark pit and allowed us to experience the light of His love. Let us love Him with a heart of gratitude, and share His love to those who are still living in the dark.
