Clothed with Christ


Colossians 3:17

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

Paul encourages us to let every detail of our lives-the things we say, our actions, our thoughts and even our reactions; be drenched with the fragrance of Christ Jesus.

Displaying the beauty of Jesus is easy when we visit Church on Sundays, because we make conscious efforts to be at our best-after all, we are in the House of God!

Often, the struggle gets real once we are back to being swayed by the motions of life. You are already running late and that’s when your shoe comes apart. You’ve been waiting for the bus and it just passes by without stopping. You manage to make it to office a few minutes late and your boss is fuming. A call comes in from the school saying that your child isn’t feeling too good.

How can we display the beauty of Jesus when our lives are falling apart, out of control and we feel so broken?

The same way we do it in Church-making conscious efforts to be at our best-confident that He is the Lord who can bring beauty from ashes. We depend completely on Him knowing that when we give Him control, He is faithful to establish us. We are aware that we represent the Most High. “In His Name” means we display the very nature of HIS personality.

Beloved, begin by giving thanks, letting His peace rule in your heart. Remember, you operate in the sphere of Jesus Christ. Clothe and put on the Lord Jesus Christ paying no attention to your fleshly nature. Declare His compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience and self-control over yourself today! In Jesus’ Name!!!


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