Did you spend time with Jesus this season?


Psalms 19:14 – “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight,O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.”

Another Christmas passed us by. Can we spend a moment to ponder  where we spent most of our time? On what could we mark the emphasis of this season for this year? Was it to get the menu and food planned and prepared for family and guests, to fret over buying and wrapping of gifts, to buy and coordinate outfits for church and the day?
Yes, we are aware it is Jesus’ birthday that we celebrate every year. Just as we do for every other celebration, did we think ‘what does Jesus like’? And did we prepare this for Him so that He could be happy and pleased like a birthday child?
Jesus wants us to be obedient to the Word of God. For this we need to prepare our hearts. To do this, we must spend time with Him for guidance in the ‘how to do’ and we must read God’s Word to know ‘what to do’ daily. When we do this, we keep ourselves ready to be used by God for His kingdom. How much time did you take to read the Bible and pray versus the other things that you planned for this season?
