Do what you can


Mark 14:8-9 “She has done what she could; she has anointed my body beforehand for burial. And truly, I say to you, wherever the gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.”

The story of the woman who anointed Jesus with expensive perfume is well known. It was a simple act by a woman who must have long been saving her precious perfume for such a time as this. We don’t know what prompted her to pour out this alabaster jar of perfume on Jesus’ head. But we do know that Jesus appreciated what she did. He said she had done a beautiful thing, and it would be etched in time for the whole world to know.

Of particular note are the words Jesus used, “She did what she could.” For this particular lady, her way of honoring Christ was by pouring perfume on His head in the intimidating presence of others. What is your way of honoring Jesus? What can you do to bring glory to His Name? We don’t have to go overboard and burn ourselves out. But we also mustn’t miss out on doing something when it is within our ability.

Jesus appreciates it when we do what we can to honor Him. We can use what we have to serve God and His people wholeheartedly. No matter how insignificant our efforts may be, they are significant in the eyes of God. He sees what you do. He calls your work beautiful. Just doing what you can is more than enough to bring glory to God. Take what you have and pour it out in the presence of God. It will be a fragrant offering in His sight – a symbol of your gratitude for His love and His grace that’s always at work in your life.
