Follow Jesus


Matthew 4:19:  And he saith unto them, follow me and I will make you fishers of men.

Jesus was about to begin His public ministry, and He was beginning to choose people whom He can trust and be taught.  He saw the brothers, Peter and Andrew and told them to follow Him and that He would make them fishers of men.  Peter and Andrew had been fishermen all their lives and they sure did know to catch fishes and now they were going to be taught to catch people for God.

Jesus chose the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.  He just chose ordinary fishermen who were uneducated and took them with Him teaching them the kingdom of God and explaining to them about the things of God.  He taught them to love everyone and not reject or oppose anybody who wants to come to God.  He was with them for 3-1/2 years and taught them great truths and spiritual dynamics.  They never questioned Him if their plans would get upset  following Him.  They just obeyed His calling and followed Him leaving their nets and their families behind.  They trusted Jesus for an unknown future.

All we need to do is follow Him.  Are we following Him today or are we following something else?  Are we worshipping Him or are we worshipping somebody else?  How truthful are we in obeying His voice and listening from Him? Whom are you following today?
