
Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” Hebrews 13:5


Death is easily one of the scariest things on the phase of earth and insurance in today’s world is an essential to our living, because who does not like being assured. Ever wondered why? Well here is why, love being the root of our assurance, we were created by our master to be that way, we were created by Him and through Him to be hopeful in Him, our all-knowing perfect creator. His love for humanity was expressed when He made us in His image, and created us to fellowship with Him forever, in fact death was never in the picture until we dug our own grave.

So what now, did God give up? Did He disown His creation? So if God created humanity to live with Him forever have things changed?  If we made it till here then, praise God for He is merciful and He has loved us with an everlasting love that He decided to send His own son to die on the cross for our iniquities and transgressions. Our heavenly father who is so full of love does not just make promises, but keeps His promises, this is our foundation of assurance. His name is Jehovah Jireh – God will provide, and we all know there is power in His name, come receive this assurance, where we don’t have pay a single penny to be insured, Jesus has it all covered for us.

He provides for all our needs both temporal and eternal, therefore we must be watchful of our lifestyle, the modern idols we create, and understand that sometimes our desires can be of the world, a desire that is able to destroy, steal and kill. Let us imbibe the attitude of gratitude and be content with what God has blessed us with, for He gives nothing but the best.




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