Fullness in Christ


You therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. Colossians 2:6-7

Accepting Christ as Lord of our lives is the beginning of life with Christ. Paul’s teaching from this verse indicates that we must be rooted, built up, and strengthened in the faith. As Christians, it is so critical to establish strong roots in Jesus Christ.

The best way to illustrate is for us to comprehend how a tree grows. Imagine a tree that grows on the ground. Some trees grow tall. The strong roots of the tree are the foundation that allows the tree to grow tall and strong. The roots provide the necessary nutrients through the soil that the tree needs to grow strong and eventually produce fruit.

Paul’s metaphorical view of rooting in Christ reveals that the foundation will stand firm when we face trials and temptations. It is very difficult to uproot a tree when the tree has very strong roots. Similarly, we will not fall or be tossed during trials and temptations if our foundation is built on Jesus Christ, the solid rock.

The Christian faith provides a growth track into knowledge of the truth. How can we practically become rooted, built up, and established in faith? Analyse any areas of your life that you are holding for yourself that are a potential hindrance to your growth track. Humble yourself and surrender wholly to the Lord. Meditate on His word day and night. (Psalms 1:2–3) Spend time with God in prayer and worship. Get into the fellowship with the right people. The atmosphere you surround yourself with is critical for your spiritual growth. Grow stronger in Christ and stay blessed!


One Comment

  1. Sugirtha
    30 Jan 2024 10:34:27 Reply

    Amen I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and saviour establishing strong roots in Jesus Christ. I humble myself and surrender wholly to the Lord, following your advice in each and every activity and fellowship with the right people

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