Give Thanks!


OH, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! (Psalm 107:1)

Jesus Christ was once on His way to Jerusalem, He had to pass though a small village of Samaria and When He entered that small village there met Him Ten men who were lepers. So when these ten lepers met Jesus, they stood far away and shouted aloud to Jesus and said “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” When Jesus saw them, He felt sorry for them. He said to them “Go, show yourselves to the priest”.

The ten lepers did as Jesus said.

And a miracle happened as they were still walking. They were healed from their disease on the way, their skin became clean. They saw their hands and feet, they touched their face and felt it. There was no leprosy any more. All the ten were healed. However, among the ten lepers only one came back to Jesus to give thanks to Him. He fell down on His face and gave thanks to Jesus. And Jesus asked “were they not ten healed, where are the other nine?” Among the ten men who were healed only one came back to Jesus to give thanks to Him. The rest nine forgot Jesus.

Jesus was very happy to see this one man coming back to thank Him and Jesus blessed Him and made him WHOLE!

Do not forget to give thanks to the one who made you whole!
