God, our strength


Psalm 73:26:  My flesh and my heart faileth; but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever.

As frail humans, sometimes our flesh and heart fails.  When circumstances are not that great or strong, we tend to be depressed.  We give up on our dreams way too quickly, but to those who trust God, God will be the strength of their heart and their portion forever.

Sometimes people fail when temptations and sin beset us.  Sometimes their heart faints upon receiving unpleasant news or by just looking around the kind of people that they encounter in their day to day life.  All the goodness that we experience or enjoy is sometimes washed down by challenges and turmoil that we can hardly handle.  Our hope and faith takes a bad beating sometimes.  However, do not be bogged down by what life has to offer or the many hardships that we face.  God is the strength of our heart meaning to say that God will sustain us through all trials and will be our hope and strength even when we think its all over.  God fills us with strength when we are weak.  He will strengthen us to move on and not remain where we fell.  God will take sides with His people and sustain them.

Joining with the psalmist, let us also boldly declare that even if our physical strength fails, our spirit will not fail because God is our strength.  He will be our portion forever.  He is our reward
