God’s children His image


Psalm 139:13-14—”For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.”

In recent years, newspapers run articles on body image. Men, women and of late children as young as 9 are interested in this information. People are conscious of their body, their look, and their grooming, etc. It is taken to another level when they want the look of another person. They go to the hairdresser and say “I want to look like so-and-so”.
Then, there is the unconfident, reserved and timid person. He or she says “No, I cannot do this. It is something only people with xyz can do, not me”.

Think about this – every thing that is in your body from your inward to your outward parts were designed and created by the same person who made the Heavens and the earth. If God took care to make the earth and the things in it so beautiful, how much more has He done to think things through and make you, His child, in His image? God created you in His mind and put you together in the womb of your mother. You were made as part of God’s wonderful creation.
If we are aware of this, is it right to say ‘my thighs are so fat’ or ‘my hair is so curly and tough to maintain’. God knows every bone in your body and He knows you bit by bit. He has created you according to your purpose. He has equipped you with all you require for His plan that He has for your life. God knows all the days of your life and your timeline. He prepared the days of your life even before you were born.

Instead of complaining about ourselves, we must praise God for making us in His beautiful image. This includes not talking about the looks of others too. Remember God made us all. Instead of being fearful, remember who holds our days and knows our tomorrows. Instead of feeling incompetent, remember we are God’s children and we are made by Him. We have His Spirit in us. We are able to do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Instead of using our God-given mouths for complaints and speaking our fears and incompetencies, let’s make a pact to go forward praising God in all our circumstances. In our happiness, our fears, our incompetencies, our sorrows. God lives in our praises. Where God is present there can be no negatives, no ugly, no less than the best. We are His indeed. Give God a shout out of praise – Hallelujah!!
