God’s Covenant and Mercies


Know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him … Deuteronomy 7:9

This scripture reminds us that God is faithful to keep His covenant and mercy for a thousand generations. But there is a condition. This applies to only those who Love Him.

Some may ask how the Lord Jesus Christ, who has unconditional love has conditions for showing His Mercy. Remember, He keeps conditions to allow us to mold and become better versions of ourselves. So, we become worthy of His mercies.

This scripture asks us to love God. Loving God is not a set of religious practices or ceremonies. But we need to make everything in our life, an act of worship. We worship Him at the beginning and the ending of the day. We meditate on His word daily. We ask for God’s guidance in our decisions

In addition to that, it is our duty to make conscious efforts to love each other. It may be a weak or poor person, older parents, spouse, children, or our employees.

We see in 1 John 4:21  “And we have this commandment from Him: Whoever loves God must love his brother as well.”

Love is not a feeling. It is a conscious effort. It is an action.

The following verse gives us a definition of love. I Corinthians 13:4 “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy; it does not boast.”

As this becomes our lifestyle, we prepare ourselves to receive His mercies. We will begin to see His faithfulness in our lives. As he has promised, we and our generations will receive His mercies.



  1. Govindarajan V
    22 Sep 2020 10:12:43 Reply

    GOD is Love. By HIS love HE gave us HIS only begotten son to redeem us. There is nothing to compare to this love and HIS word came in flesh as action. We the inherited through Christ Jesus shall live as the image. Amen

  2. Lakshminarayanan K
    22 Sep 2020 18:23:25 Reply

    We feel the presence of the Him; we regret for not thanking Him for all His grace showered on us; we now kneel down before Him, giving Him our thanks infinite times. We learnt of the way, we love Him. Father, we beseech thy eternal presence and guidance with us. Amen

  3. Violet Grace
    25 Sep 2020 11:51:52 Reply

    Praise God hallelujah amen. We thank God for daily devotion. I’m blessed and encouraged.

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