God’s Unchanging Love


Romans 8:35 – Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword

As a child of God, we are not exempt from difficulties or trials on this Earth. During our lifetime, no matter how strong our faith and belief in God, we will still face trials or persecution in the hands of the oppressors. We will face suffering due to the poor choices we made, or the mistakes or sins that bring us trials as consequences. Because of this, there may also be times when we lack provision for a comfortable lifestyle and would need to scrounge to make ends meet. Does this mean that God is not with us or He has forsaken us? Absolutely not!

Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. God’s love for us is unchanging and unconditional. He is a faithful God who never forsakes us. Especially when we go through times of trials and tribulations, when the weight of the world is heavy on us and testing our faith, God is there for us. God is not quick to punish or leave us instead, He is always there to bring us through our difficult times. Trials may weaken and test our faith, but we must continue to rely on God who is able to bring us through these times and to work His miracle in our lives.

Jeremiah 31:3 speaks of God’s promise of everlasting love for us because of which He is Faithful to us His children.

Psalm 136:6 says to give thanks to the Lord, the God of Heaven for His unwavering, steadfast love that lasts forever.

Dear Lord, through my persecution, trials, and difficult times, You are with me. You have the best plans laid out for me and You will bring me out of my current situation to greener pastures. Thank you, Lord, for your love that endures forever. I know that I am not worthy Lord, but I also know that your love is unwavering, and nothing can change that. Amen.


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