My Hiding Place


He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1

During the Second World War, when Jews were facing genocide, Corrie Ten Boom, aided by her family, hid some of them in the secret places of her house. The enemies raided her home, but the Jews dwelling in those hidden places escaped their otherwise certain death. Many, in fear, were running in all directions, but a few who were abiding in the shelter of the secret places were safe.

Where are you dwelling?
Our dwelling place is where we live and spend the most quality time. It is our home, a place of shelter and protection, not a place we run to occasionally. In today’s verse, the psalmist states that the one who makes God his home will have divine protection and care. When we trust in Him, we don’t have to wander aimlessly pursuing salvation but instead dwell in the secret place of the Most High.

The concept of dwelling with God does not mean we ought to live as monks leading an ascetic life in a deserted place. It is nearly impossible for us, earthly beings, to spend days continually in prayer and worship, renouncing our responsibilities. Though Jesus, our perfect example, withdrew to secluded places to pray, He spent maximum time with His ministry(Luke 5:16). Deeply rooted in the Holy Spirit, He consulted the Father for everything in prayer. When we are in sync with the Holy Spirit, our reward is the shadow of the Almighty.

The Israelites were led by the cloud during the day and the pillar of fire by night en route to the promised land. Dwelling in His presence is a sure-shot guarantee of comfort in His shadow. Even when there is blinding light around us yet, we will be safe and blessed in His shadow. The burdens we bear will feel light since He will take over the full extent of our challenges.

Well, it is in our hands to dwell on our problems, habits, and sins or dwell in God. Whatever we choose leads us to where we abide. If God is your dwelling place, you will realize you are always in His shadow, covered in His favour, protection, comfort and care. Our God is above all powers and names, and there is no better safe place than HIM! So, where are you planning to dwell?


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