His Love Endures Forever


Psalm 136:6

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, His love endures forever.”

Today, we have every reason to thank our Lord, our Savior. Not only He has saved us from sin and eternal separation, He has showered us with a “love” that not only “unconditional” but “eternal”.

Think about this; there is nothing that lasts on this earth. The people whom we love the most and who love us the most, like our parents, children, spouse, friends etc., someday will not be with us anymore. Some of you might already be experiencing a “love void” because they are no more with you or close to you like they were before. Also, many a times, human love becomes “conditional”. But amongst all these, please realize again that the love of Jesus for you is “unconditional” and “eternal”. His love will never fade away.

Not all who show favor & love to us are doing so because they are “good”. There may be some strings attached to there expression. But we are recipients of a love that is not only eternal but also “good”. It’s because our God is a good God as today’s scripture says.

On this Lord’s day, take time to give Him Thanks; more so because His love towards you is “good”, “unconditional” and “eternal”. Have a blessed day!


One Comment

  1. Shivaram
    16 May 2021 12:42:52 Reply

    Amen..Praise to the LORD Almighty Ever-Last Loving Gracious Father GOD.

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