Hold On!


Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23 (NIV)

Many in the world are losing confidence in God based on their situation. Life can occasionally cause us to focus on what we see or hear rather than on God. In order to enter that glorious hope of our eternal future with God in paradise, today’s call is for us to see beyond and through the lens of faith in God’s Word.

To hold fast is to cling to something – Never to let go. Regardless of the circumstances or what we perceive is happening, we must continue to hold on without faltering, unyielding, and unbending. We determine in our hearts to refuse to give in, make compromises, or surrender to our circumstances.

We solely cling to Christ Jesus without wavering. We must spend time knowing God through His word to trust Him to fulfil His promises for us. Even though we may experience periods of doubt and discouragement, our situation does not alter the reality of who God is.

Let us entrust our lives and our future to our perfect God. May the hope and peace of our God fill our hearts, for He is the ultimate promise keeper. Let’s not give up since our God is with us, and He will keep His promises.
May God give us the strength to hold fast to the hope that we confess and not give up.
Let’s take a moment to reflect on God’s faithfulness today.


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