Hosanna in the highest


Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest! (Luke 19:38)

Some journeys are memorable, like the ride to your wedding or speeding for the delivery of your child. Maybe your first day of college and your first air trip for some. Undoubtedly, some trips differ from your general drive to the office or the shopping mall. Not only are you rejoicing on that particular journey of yours, but there is always someone else rejoicing and celebrating with you. 

Jesus’s entry to Jerusalem was a unique journey, too. The triumphal entry. It was a celebration with people singing and rejoicing. He was walking towards the fulfilment of God’s plan. Aware of the plotting and betrayal waiting, conscious of the hatred and jealousy brewing. Filled with love for us, this was God’s journey to tear down the curtains and reunite man to God. 

Unaware of what waited for Jesus (the torture, the shame, the cross), the people celebrated the entry of their King. They arrayed the road with their clothes and palm branches and sang out, “Hosanna, Hosanna”. Save us, save us. “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” Sadly, those who knew the law were the farthest from allowing Him into their heart. 

Today, You and I have the privilege of knowing about this intentional journey. On this day, as we remember Him mount the colt, we can see His love for us. What are you going to do with this privilege? Are you going to sing out praises to Him, or will you choose to shut those celebrating? Will you choose to lay down your garments of ignorance and sacrifice your life like the palm branches? Or will you choose to harden your heart and refuse salvation?  

We all need a saviour. The only saviour who has the power to cleanse us is Jesus. His blood makes us Holy and reunites man with God. The King is no longer riding on a donkey. He is on the throne. 

Prayer: Lord Jesus. Thank You for taking the ride to Jerusalem for me. I praise You for the love you carried on the colt. I acknowledge that I need a saviour. Today, as I remember Your love, I sacrifice all my notions, culture and ignorance under Your feet and ask You to save me and reunite me with the Father. I belong to You, and I will praise You for Your goodness and mercy. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

One Comment

  1. Nicholas Pink
    10 Apr 2022 05:36:24 Reply

    Praise and you Jesus for you died on cross for our sins. We will always sing praises singing glory to God, hallelujah, hosanna in highest. Amen ๐Ÿ™ Hallelujah ๐Ÿ™Œ

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