Jesus, the ultimate authority


Mark 28:18:  And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

Jesus was risen from the dead through the power of God.  Death could not hold him anymore nor the grave could.  The soldiers who kept guard could not capture Him either because they fell like dead men.  He is Lord over heaven and earth.

We read in the Bible that at His name, every tongue shall confess that He is Lord and every knee shall bow down at His name.  No powers of darkness or hell or disease can ever stand up, they have to bow down and leave.  What we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven.  Demonic powers flee at the mention of His name.  There is no other name that is higher than His name.  Won’t we feel proud if we were to know someone who is highly influential in the society?  He or she would be the first person we would go to for any emergent help right?  We would prefer this person above all because we are sure of achieving what we look for.  We would trust this person with the core of our heart because he or she has that much power.  How much more should we trust God in our life when He said He has power in heaven and on earth?

Take your needs to the God of heaven and earth.  As you walk with Him, you will see His power in your life, in your character, in your relationships, etc.  You need to understand this power in your life in order for you to be a successful believer.

