Keep God’s commandments


John 8:51:  Verily, verily I say unto you, if a man keep my saying, he shall never see death.

Obeying God and keeping His commandments is what God expects from us.  He doesn’t require your gifts and offerings to Him more than your heart.  We need to obey Him in all aspects of our life so that we will obtain eternal life that He has promised us.  Never seeing death does not mean that we will not die, it means that we will live for ever in heaven.

Keeping God’s saying or commandments means we should be the doers of the word of God and not just hearers.  God wants us to be the light and the salt of the world.  We need to be people who will create a difference in other’s life as well as shine out where there is darkness.  Constant relationship with God by meditating on His word keeps our life in check.  We will all die our death on this earth but if we obey God and live a life that He wants us to live, then we are eligible for the eternal life that He has promised.

So, obtaining eternal life is not so easy.  We need to pay a price with the choices that we make in our life.  We cannot be in two boats at a time.  Make a decision to obey God wholly because partial obedience is not obedience.  God requires us to obey Him fully to receive the gift of eternal life.
