Know your worth


Luke 12:6,7 – “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.”

If you had to put a price tag on yourself and everybody you knew, what would the value of yours be? Chances are, you’ll place a much lower price tag on yourself when compared to the others. It’s easy to compare ourselves with others who are more accomplished, have better jobs, make more money and have traveled the world. Every time we compare ourselves with someone who is better off, we diminish our own worth. Our value lies, not in our own accolades and accomplishments, but in Christ who calls us His own.

Sparrows are often found happily chirping, flying about without a care in the world. They don’t worry about where their next meal is going to come from, or what the weather will look like tomorrow. The Bible says that five of these sparrows are sold at a fraction of a laborer’s daily wage – a pittance. And yet, God cares about them and their needs. You are worth many sparrows. You are infinitely more valuable to God than a sparrow.

Do not belittle yourself in the pretext of humility. Yes, we are nothing before God… but we are everything with Him! Jesus cares for you. He calls you His child, His heir, His friend. Everything He has is yours. If Jesus could watch over a sparrow, would He not take better care of someone He shed His own blood for?
