License to Live


For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:2

From when Cain killed his brother(Gen 4:8), the general illusion is that people can violate laws and get away with it. We often hear that people misuse their position and power to transgress the laws of the land and escape the consequences. However, is it possible to break the law of nature? Have you heard of someone or something defying gravity or the laws of physics? Probably not, because we get the best out of natural laws when we understand and work on them.

Similarly, there are divine laws in effect that we should be aware of to save us from God’s judgement. Matthew 5:17 says Christ Jesus didn’t come to abolish the law but to fulfil it. The old covenant was about living a life of rules that kept on adding. Yet we were slaves to sin. Whereas the new covenant of Jesus Christ as our Saviour teaches us to put our trust not in obeying the laws but in loving God and doing the best for Him.

God has not given you a license to sin but to live a life of surrender to Him. When we submit our desires and will to God’s plans for us, naturally, we live by the law of the Spirit of life. We live to do what we are meant to do, leading us to freedom from sin. Conversely, when our lives are carnal, we are separated from God, eventually leading to death. So today, what do you choose, the license to live or sin?


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