Like an eagle


Deuteronomy 32:11-12 – “Like an eagle that stirs up its nest, that flutters over its young, spreading out its wings, catching them, bearing them on its pinions, the LORD alone guided him, no foreign god was with him.”

Have you seen an eagle swooping overhead? They seem so large and in control. Not many of us have seen an eagle caring for its young, though. But in the verses above, Moses explains how an eagle takes care of its young, and how God takes care of us the same way. When the chicks are old enough, the eagle stirs up its nest. It becomes very uncomfortable for the chicks to remain there, and they have no option but to learn how to fly. Sometimes, God makes our life a bit uncomfortable so we will move out of our comfort zones and into a better life that He has in store for us.

While the chicks are struggling with their flying lessons, the eagle hovers over them. When we flap our little wings, stress our little minds and learn to walk by faith, God hovers over us, watching us keenly. And if the chicks are in danger of crashing to the ground, the eagle spreads its wings, catches the little one, and gives it a ride back up. If we mess up big time, when we’re in danger of losing it all, God’s got our back. He doesn’t allow us to crash and burn. He bears us on His wings and takes us back where we belong.

I’m sure the chicks don’t enjoy the scary flying lessons, but it does teach them how to fly. When we trust God through our scary situations, He will fortify us with wisdom and strength that we would not have learnt any other way. If an eagle would take such good care of its young, would not your Heavenly Father take much better care of you?
