My God is Holy


The Lord our God is Holy. That is His nature. He is a perfect God, and no sin or evil can come near Him. 1 Samuel 2:2 says that no one is Holy like our God. He has no rivals. His perfect nature and unconditional love for us deserve all our praise and worship.

In this Psalm, the Psalmist calls out Moses, Aaron, and Samuel as examples whom we must follow in the way they served God. They called upon Him in their time of need and God answered them every time. While God did punish them for their wrongdoings, being a forgiving and just God, He forgave them and was there for them whenever they needed Him.

What an awesome God we serve. He is a Prayer-Answering, Miracle-Working God who listens to those who believe in Him. How does God forgive us? If we confess our sins to Him, He WILL forgive us. We need to believe in Him and know that he is the Holy of Holies.

In 1 Peter 1:15-16 The Bibles says that God is Holy and since He has called us, He expects us also to be Holy in all our thoughts and behavior.

Lord, As You are Holy, help me to emulate your nature in my life through my thoughts and words and deeds. I praise you and exalt your name, Lord. Thank you for your forgiveness and your love. Amen.


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