My Mind is Fixed on you Lord


Colossians 3:2 – Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.

The Bible in this verse is telling us to fix our minds on Godly things and not earthly things. We are now believers and children of God and have been born again. With this, we have moved away from our past life which was full of earthly desires, impurities, lust, greed, and addictions. These are now behind us. With God as our refuge and strength and the one we have fixed our eyes and heart on now, we enjoy His Love, Grace, and Mercy.

The Bible goes on to say that now we are renewed in God’s image and knowledge and have moved away from earthly desires and we are now filled with God’s promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

As children of God, we must emulate God’s character in our life. We must not follow the works of men but the Works of our Lord and Father. Colossians 3:17 says that all we do, our words and our deeds, we should do it in the name of our Lord and glorify His name through our words and deeds.

Dear Lord, thank you for being the Author and Finisher of our faith. You are our provider, the one who we can trust. Lord, we commit ourselves to your hands. Help us to not concentrate and dwell on worldly things but instead, help us to have faith and run towards your outstretched arms. Thank you for your unconditional love. Help us, Lord, to have our eyes and mind fixed on you and you alone. Amen.


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