New attitude


Philippians 2:3: Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.

Vainglory and strife do not belong to God’s children. Paul instructs the believers in Philippi to consider others better than themselves.  We are not to do anything that gives us importance other than God.  In everything we do, God has to be glorified.

Some people would want high position in society or high places of honor in a social gathering. They want to attract everyone’s attention towards themselves.  Their ambition to succeed in life is out of selfish motives and intentions.  They want their own name and fame and appearance.  There are some people too who always want to be in the limelight.  What God wants from us is something different.  He wants us to give up our feelings of self-importance, give up our feelings of self-centredness and instead look out to the interests of others.  Consider others better than yourselves every time.  God wants us to have a spirit of humility and service to people.

It costs us nothing to be humble and nice to people.  Let us put on the very nature of Christ and be His torchbearers.  The kind of lifestyle that we live outside church is the life that people are watching.  Let us make the changes necessary in our life that will draw more people to the saving knowledge of Jesus.  Let Jesus be our focus.
