
Give to the Lord the glory due His name; bring an offering, and come before Him. Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness! 1 Chronicles 16:29

This verse is part of the psalm David wrote after the ark had been safely brought to Jerusalem The King’s heart was overflowing with thankfulness to God for showing Him such incredible grace and blessing. At this point in David’s reign, things were going really well . But one of David’s chief concerns for the nation was to restore the worship of God to its rightful place of prominence.

There is something normal and natural to the life of the spirit without which we languish and grow weak that something is the worship of God . God has created man as three essential elements; body, soul, & spirit If you take one of those away, you no longer have a human being.

And just as the body needs certain things to be healthy, so do the soul and the spirit. The body needs food, water, rest, and exercise to be healthy. In the same way, the spirit needs certain things to be strong it needs spiritual food – which is what the Word of God is , it needs spiritual rest – which is what fellowship with other believers. It needs spiritual exercise – which is what service is and it needs spiritual water – which is what prayer is, or more specifically, what worship is.

David sends forth a call to worship God by giving Him the glory due to His name. He is beckoning the people to not merely listen to him praise God, but to lift their voices in a joyous affirmation of the great God’s goodness. And just as David invited the people of his own day to worship the Lord, so the Holy Spirit invites us through these words to come to the fountain of living water and drink deep at the fount of all blessings. To give glory to God simply means that we remember and recognize the great things God has done and the great God that He is

The Beauty of Holiness- This beauty comes from the work of the Holy Spirit making us holy. God isn’t interested just in getting us saved. He also wants to work in our life and change us. If something is holy, it means it is set apart from the mere common to the special use of God.

Each one of us is a unique reflection of the perfections of God.The great potential of every human being is that they can reveal to the rest of creation something about the infinite glory of God. Because beauty is attractive, they will be attracted to God.


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