Our Way To Salvation


Romans 10:10 – For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation

The foremost questions in all our minds are: “Am I doing enough to be called righteous in the eyes of God?”; “What do I need to do to get salvation?”

Maybe because of this mindset, we notice that people go to Church regularly, even attend prayer groups, pray and read the Bible daily. They are obeying what has been taught to them as the Christian way of living. While all of the above are things we ought to ‘do’ as good human beings and Christians, it is our motive in which God is interested.  It’s not the ‘what we do’ that God looks at, but more importantly, the intention of our heart or ‘why we are doing it’. It therefore means, we can’t bribe God with our actions, because He only looks at our heart for the genuineness of love that we have for Him.

When we serve God, we must do it with all our heart and not just for the sake of doing it. We must try and keep our hearts pure and be willing to love and believe in Christ our Lord. Christ must be the focus of our attention. Whatever we do we must do with the intent to glorify our God and to display our love for God. All this love comes to us in a big way after we accept Jesus as the Son of God who was raised from the dead and confess Jesus as our Savior. Then we will be tied to Christ as a bride is to a bridegroom. All we need to do is to believe and love with our hearts and confess with our mouth.

Dear Lord, I open my heart and submit to you. Fill me with your presence Lord. I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior and I know Him for who He is. He is the author and finisher of my faith. Amen


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