Overcomers Through Christ


Romans 8:37 – Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

Romans 8:35 talks about the difficulties, trials, and tribulations we go through in our life on Earth. It says that nothing can take us away from God’s unchanging love.

In this scripture, Romans 8:37, the Bible tells us that through Christ we are conquerors over all these hardships. Not just conquerors but more than conquerors. Jesus paid the ultimate price for us on the cross to achieve victory over sin and death. Through Him, we are more than conquerors and have victory over all sin. This does not mean that bad things won’t happen to us. It means that we will come through these hardships with Jesus leading us out of them to victory.

God sent His Son – Jesus Christ – to die for our sins. By His sacrifice, which Jesus made from His everlasting and unchanging love for us, not only do we have victory over all the trials and difficulties of this life, but we are also made co-heirs of God the Father. We were made conquerors through love: love of God the Father and love of Jesus Christ our sacrificial Lamb. The underlying essence of it all is God’s love.

Dear Lord, thank you for your Victory over my situation. Thank you for being there for me and loving me when I was broken and disheartened in sin. Your love brought me through all my troubles and here I stand testimony to your good works in my life. Amen.


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