Praise God Constantly


Psalm 108:3 – I will praise You, O Lord, among the peoples, And I will sing praises to You among the nations.

We, as children of God, have had experiences of God’s greatness in our lives and therefore we can stand testimony to His goodness. Be it sickness, persecution, trials, or poverty, God through His unchanging love for us has brought us through our difficult times. He is a faithful God who never forsakes us. If you are going through a difficult time in your life, do not be weary or afraid. Look to the Lord our God, who is the only One able to bring you through your trials and tribulations, and who can work a miracle in your life.

God deserves all our worship and praise for all that He has done and continues to do for us. We must praise Him when we are alone, and we must praise Him in front of others. God stands with us no matter what we have done; He is not ashamed of us but delights in us, His children. Why then, do we shy away from giving praise back to Him?

As children of God who have experienced His love and His touch in our lives, we must let the world know of His work in our lives and stand testimony to His greatness. Just like David said, in this verse, that he will sing praises to God among all the nations, we must follow His example and praise God publicly.

Dear Lord, thank you for your love and faithfulness towards me. Give me the boldness Lord to praise you not only in my private time but also publicly so that all may know of your Goodness and your Love. Amen


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