Prayer of the righteous


1 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭12 – “For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayer. But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”

Do you consider yourself righteous? Most of us don’t. We remember our past mistakes and sinful thoughts, and we think we are unrighteous and unholy. We forget that when we accepted Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf, His blood has washed us white as snow. God considers us righteous, because He sees us through the blood of Jesus that covers us. We are no longer unworthy sinners; we are God’s righteous saints.

Now that we have established the base that we are righteous, let’s look deeper at today’s verse. Peter reminds us that God’s eyes are upon the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayer. He’s talking about us here – we who’ve been washed by the blood of Christ. God’s eyes are upon us; His ears are open to our prayers. God is always looking out for us, and He hears our prayers.

But are we praying the right prayers? Are we praying for selfish things that would feed our own egos, or are we praying God-centered prayers? We’ll never go wrong if we pray for God’s presence in our daily activities, for His will to be carried out through our lives, and for God to be glorified in everything we do. Remember you are righteous and stay away from evil. Be encouraged; the Lord hears your prayer.
