Purity of God’s words


Psalm 12:6:  The words of the Lord are pure words; as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.

God never lies.  He is known to always keep His promises.  His words are pure.  Just as silver is tried in a furnace and cleared of all the dross and impurities, God’s words are pure.  There is no falsehood or impurity in God’s words.  He does what He says.

God fulfills every word of His.  He is faithful to keep His promises.  Sometimes, it is our doubt and fear that prevents us from receiving what God has promised us.  His words can be relied upon unlike the words of men which are unreliable and full of lies and wickedness.  There is a delay sometimes in His promises to be fulfilled, though His words are pure and without deceit.  The reason for this delay is again our doubts and fear.  If we have to experience God’s miracles and promises upon our lives, we have to take God’s word as it is upon ourselves.  If He has told anything to you with regard to your future or your ministry or your relationship or your job, you better believe it because His words are pure and flawless, without dross or impurities.  He doesn’t intend one thing and say something else.  That is a human being, not God.

Believe in God, believe His word, believe in the ability and the strength of God.  His words will come to pass because they are pure and holy.  Let His words be fulfilled in your life.



