Relish God’s Goodness


Psalm 34:8 – “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!”

What’s your most favorite dish in the world? Now imagine you’ve just discovered a new restaurant that makes the best version of that dish. How would you feel? Your eyes would brighten up, you’d relish every single bite of it and you’d make sure to tell everyone they had to try it out too.

Well, the Lord has been good to us every single day for so many years. Even at times when you didn’t feel His goodness, you know it was His grace and favor that carried you through the difficult days and brought you where you are today. Are you relishing the Lord’s goodness in your life?

Take time to think over and recount how He has been good to you so far this year. Write down what you are most thankful for. Quieten your heart and let it overflow with praise for the Lord Jesus Christ. Embed God’s goodness in your heart, so the next time you’re going through a trial, you can bring it back to mind.

As you remember God’s grace and provision, it will bolster your faith and help you trust in the Lord even more. When you trust in God, you will not be put to shame (Romans 10:11). Relish God’s goodness in your life, and make sure you let others know how awesome it is so they can taste it and see for themselves!


One Comment

  1. Ramakrishna
    07 May 2020 06:43:50 Reply

    Yes, Our Lord Jesus is tastier than any veg and non veg menu in this world. He’s sweeter than honey in the rock. Once you taste and see it’s amazing there are no words to desribe the glory, beauty and love. Nothing can satisfy our hungry and thirst ,but God’s word that proceeds from the His mouth can satisfies both physical and spiritual needs. Yes let’s trust in Him whole heartedly.
    Thank you Jesus satisy all our spiritual needs. We sing hymns and songs and praise you now and evermore. In the Jesus name pray.Amen

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