Righteous through Christ


Philippians 3:9: And be found in him; not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith.

The law had made Paul righteous in many ways, but after he came to know Christ in a more personal manner, he found out true righteousness is through faith in Christ.

The world has its own acts of righteousness in the form of doing charitable deeds to the society where it lives. There are others who have the do’s and the don’ts of religious practices for them to be righteous.  The scriptures teach us that this kind of righteousness which stems from our own understanding and beliefs are like filthy rags before God.  True righteousness comes from Christ who made us in equal standing with God through His blood.  Can you ever imagine that we are in equal standing with the God of this great universe?  Can you ever comprehend that we are made right with God not based on our good deeds but that it is based on what He did for us on the cross?  It is so hard to imagine that we who were destined to be punished in eternal hell because of our sins are now in equal standing with a holy God.  This is what is called as the righteousness of Christ which comes to us by faith in Christ.

Accept the righteousness of God in your life by believing in Christ. Never underestimate this free gift of righteousness from God.  Christ died for our sins, took all our guilt upon Himself and made us in right standing with God.  He expects you believe this and have faith in Him.
