

Philippians 2:7: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men.

Jesus is the best servant-leader that the world has ever known. He never exalted Himself.  He was a human being when he walked on the face of the earth.  He was God as well.  He had the attitude of a servant and never the attitude of a master, though He was the creator of this entire universe.

It pleased God the Father to send Jesus Christ in the likeness of men. He never demanded anything from the people.  In Him was eternal life.  He was the giver of all good things to those who believed in Him.  He performed miracles and wonders, yet He chose not to be acknowledged.  He never asked for praises and gifts or offering.  He worked among the people, among the rich and the poor; the good and the bad; the tax collectors and the so called righteous.  His message was simple and always preached the kingdom of God in simple parables.  This was the nature of Christ.  He never hesitated to wash the feet of His disciples on the night of the Passover.   A servant-leader indeed!

We learn a lot from the life of Jesus, our Saviour. Clothing with humility will be the best dress that a Christian can ever have.  Look unto Jesus always as the role model.  If we are humble, God will lift us up in His own good time.  Have a heart that is willing to be like Christ in all aspects of life.  Be blessed!
