To Serve with Love



And though I have the gift of prophesy, and understand all the mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 1 Corinthians 13:2 (NKJV)


The previous verse highlights how God estimates our worship services, if it’s without love. Verse two then points to the frightening possibility of ministering without love.

Prophesy, understanding mysteries, and faith are remarkable gifts. This trio of gifts belong to spiritual leadership in the category of offices of a prophet, priest, and the king.

Suppose you could find a person who had all these gifts without measure. Gift of speaking the word of God so incisively in public and private that clarity and light is brought to people of God. If this person could uncover all mysteries and could answer your hardest questions about life. What if she or he had faith that could move mountains and things in the church would get done like never before.

One can be preaching and leading with brilliance but doesn’t have love, he or she is considered to have accomplished nothing. It’s scary. There could be some of us who could be worshiping without love, ministering without love and giving sacrificially without love and Bible says it amounts to nothing.

Why is Love the greatest? It’s by God’s love and grace, we are saved, as He sent His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord for us to believe in.

Let God’s love be the only motivation and source to use these amazing gifts to serve and build others. The goal of using these gifts is also love.


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